In a day in the light, you will find that you understand things better.
I sat in the mirror looking. Was I getting older or younger? Happier or sad? More awake or less? Sometimes we forget to look at and into ourselves, but each day we do, we become more aware of our radiance and what is happening with our own internal light. I sat and looked, and thought I was in something that wasn’t mine, because none of it looked like me to me. It was discouraging, but we do have an essential self who holds a symbol of oneself that we can aspire to and love, as much as we might appreciate that we are still healthy or something that the mirror shows us. Without a recognition of ourselves, and an appreciation of it’s differences from our true and essential self, we are only developing under the orders of something else, like culture, or work pressures. Bring yourself back home to what you know to be your essential and healthy self, and you will at the same time help all that is around you to grow and develop similarly.
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